“We all come from childhood”, wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupery in the famous creation “The Little Prince”. Memories, impressions from this fabulous world form the child’s personality. Children’s room design is conceived to create a special aura, an atmosphere for the child’s development, to stimulate the creative abilities inherent in it. At what points should be paid attention and what to think, creating a children’s room project – about this further in our material.
General trends in room design for children
It is necessary to determine what criteria determine the conceptual solution of children’s room design:
- The age of the child. The interior of a teenager’s room is different from the room for a newborn or elementary school student. Parents decorate the room for an infant, based on their ideas about aesthetic, functional comfort for him. A schoolboy or teenager already has his own tastes and preferences. Individual personality traits, interests, hobbies are reflected in the interior.
- The size of the room, how many children the space is designed for. A small-sized children’s room requires the use of special design techniques. They allow you to transform the space so that it was convenient for the child, functionally filled.
- Tastes, hobbies child determine the aesthetic content of the children’s room. Experts recommend advising, discussing with children of older and middle school age child’s room design.
- Functionality. A child is a dynamically developing personality. Functional filling is an important component. Child psychologists, designers recommend dividing the room into zones: for rest, play, activities, and not to forget the sports corner.
- Fashion trends, trends. Tastes and preferences of the child affect to a large extent the design of the children’s room. They correlate with fashionable stylistic trends, techniques in decoration.
The interior of a child’s room is a multifunctional space that reflects the inner world of the little man.
Fashion trends
The design of the room in the modern interpretation – functionally filled free space with interesting, bright elements of aesthetic filling.
The main modern fashion trends:
- Minimalist interpretation prevails in the design. Try to get rid of unnecessary things, furniture.
- The Scandinavian style remains popular. Natural materials, mainly wood, prevail. Light walls visually expand the space. On them expressively look decor elements. Multicolored textile decoration would soften the austerity of minimalism and create comfort.
- Pastel colors are used, shades of purple and fuchsia are popular. Previously, juicy Disney colors dominated.
- Several pastel shades of different colors are used in the decoration of walls.
- Psychologists have noticed that children on an intuitive level sometimes try to hide in a secluded place. This is their space in which they like to dream, to fantasize. A trend in recent years is the device of secret places. Children’s room with a teepee, a house, a small tent is a delight for the little man.
- Emphasis on the intellectual, creative development of the child is reflected in the design of children’s rooms. The trend finds a response in the use of lettering (original font) in the design of walls, installing interactive whiteboards, developmental game corners.
- Original stickers in the form of geometric designs and polka dots are popular for the last few years.
- Natural materials in the boho style are used as decorations: a bedside mat, homespun rug; flowers in a wooden, vase; a pouf with a texture of coarse knitting. Fashionable interior item – racks with children’s wicker baskets for toys, things.
Textiles made of natural material with a beautiful print will complement the interior of the room.
Design of the children’s room for girls
In terms of psychology, the children’s room for a girl – room for subconscious modeling of the future comfortable home in family life. A harmonious balance of coziness, comfort – the components of the interior of the room for a girl. Signs: no matter how the modern world has changed, the main toys of the little girl remain dolls, a house for them. This is the territory of her fantasies, where she tries to reproduce the dream of a future family life, in many ways copying her mother.
Room decoration affects the formation of a positive worldview, taste. Therefore, children’s do in a quiet, soft colors, often pinkish, pastel shades.
Design children’s room for a boy
Children’s room for a boy is different in that the emphasis is made primarily on the functionality of the room.
Decorating in a modern style
The accents are made on the free space, and the abundance of glamorous details is excluded. Quiet light colors prevail. The windows are decorated laconically, suitable Roman blinds, blinds. Children’s room design in a modern style involves the possibility of transforming the space according to your own tastes. For the arrangement will suit the modular sectional furniture, consisting of individual elements that can be rearranged: chest of drawers, cabinets, table.
Modern style fits into the changing dynamic picture of the world. It is characterized by the search for new solutions, transformational movement. Along with the typical receptions for the arrangement of the girls’ children’s room, as soft colors, elements of beautiful textile decoration, there are elements of “techno”: composite materials (glass, chrome), interactive games, whiteboards, panels. All the elements are in harmony with the modern style.
Modular furniture and transformers allow you to change the look of the room depending on age, desire, to add new details to the interior.

In the classic style
Classic is a sign of stability. Despite the dynamism of the modern world, people want to create islands of calm, balance. Classical style is associated with this worldview, symbolizes a certain status, reliability.
Characteristic features of the stylistics are the predominance of the spectrum of brown and beige shades. They are complemented by bright accents of textile design. Beautiful, slightly glamorous decorative elements are appropriate. This style is often used to make a room “for a princess”.
The baby’s room of a newborn, decorated in the classical style, looks touching. A canopy can be made over the crib. It serves as a decor and closes the child from bright light. The relaxation area from the play area is separated by a translucent curtain. Fitting harmoniously are interesting layered curtains with pads in the form of soft toys or butterflies.
The main materials for furniture are MDF panels and wood with shaped volumetric decorations on the fronts. But do not overload the children’s room with heavy pieces of furniture. Replace the bulky closet better dresser, bed – a sofa. The first time, while the child is small, he can sleep on it mom. A growing little man needs free space. With the help of modular designs, it is easier to zone a room and organize a working area. Children grow up quickly, it is possible to rearrange the room. Modular furniture system, regardless of style, remains a priority.
Parents should be psychologically prepared for the fact that in adolescence the girl will want to radically change the style of her room. This is a time of breakage and change in the mind and psyche of the child.
The style of minimalism
The advantage of minimalism is that it is more adapted for transformation. A free single space prevails. The modern design of the children’s room is complemented by creative solutions.
A good choice for arrangement of a girl’s room, as well as a boy’s, is a frameless cushioned furniture. It fits perfectly into modern interiors and children like it. It is as comfortable as a soft feather bed. The variety of forms allows you to choose an armchair or pouffe for every taste: imitation of a ball, pear, animals. Frameless furniture can be easily moved from place to place, it has no sharp corners. In tandem with it, orthopedic mattress is used to decorate the room. It is useful for the formation of correct posture. Mounted on a podium or a rigid frame. Cabinet furniture can consist of a laconic dresser, shelving, table-transformer, which is adjustable in height, as the girl grows.
Aesthetically complement the interior bright accents, prints, stickers on the light walls. Textile decoration in the form of sofa cushions, simple, laconic curtains made of natural materials, “rims” will do.
Provence style
The romantic home style with hints of “retro” is Provence. Suitable for the interior design of the room for girls.
Soothing tones: sandy-white, light blue and green, gently purple are ideal for a teenage girl’s room.
Coziness, comfort – the content of the style. The furniture should not be bulky. The constituent elements: dresser, bed, chair, shelves, open shelves, dressing table.
Particular attention is paid to decorative elements and textile decoration. A soft bedside rug, vases with plants, romantic pictures, photos in light wood frames – elements of the style of Provence. In the textile design is appropriate to use floral prints, curtains on the windows with ruffles.
In a modern minimalist style
Modern stylistics – the optimal solution for the arrangement of a boy’s room, especially with a bias towards “techno”.
For the manufacture of furniture use composite materials, chrome elements. Relevant textures are “metallic”, “silver” in combination with a spectrum of bluish-purple, gray tones. It is logical to combine separate modular elements of furniture with built-in closets. Boys are less inclined to order, so it is better to hide unnecessary things.
To organize the working area can use the principle of the workbench in the studio – a separate wall or part of it is divided into sections: for general education classes, computer, interactive, a place for making crafts, set a computer table on wheels.
Frameless chair or sofa would be good for designing a recreation area.
We must take into account the peculiarities of the physiological development of children. They grow quickly, the bone apparatus is constantly being rebuilt. For a permanent sleeping place, it is better to use frame upholstered furniture or an orthopedic mattress on a hard base.
Decorating a boy’s children’s room in the styles of Provence or classic are less appropriate for teenagers. In this style equip parents on your taste room for newborn children, it fits into the overall design concept of the house, apartment. As a child grows up, the room is adapted to the tastes of a teenager.

Light design
Proper distribution of lighting – an important element in the design of the child’s room in terms of physiological development. Basically use a combined light, with the allocation of certain zones.
The working area tries to move closer to the window with natural light. Additionally set the backlight, desk lamp, LED strip. The main light is a chandelier or points on the ceiling. It is desirable that a light fixture is installed over the bed, so as not to strain the eyesight while reading books.
The range of lighting fixtures allows you to choose interesting lamps for different interpretations of the interior. For the style of minimalism, track, string lighting is suitable. Provence, classic attract refined floor lamps, chandeliers with beautiful lampshades, plafonds.
Decor elements in the children’s room
Bright decor – an indispensable element of the interior, it literally transforms the interior. Such decorative elements look good:
Photo wallpaper. A large assortment of themed pictures is on sale. A small children’s room will visually become larger if the wall is glued photo wallpaper with a perspective.
Prints, stickers. The advantage of such a decor is that they can be changed over time.
Stretch ceilings, represented by a wide range of colors. Pay attention to stretch ceilings with photoprinting.
Volumetric decoupage elements – a new popular decor, including for children’s rooms. For girls it is appropriate to place flowers, butterflies, birds on the wall, for the boys fit models of planes, spaceships.
A child’s room is a special world in which the child’s personality is formed. It is important to create maximum comfort, so that in adulthood there are positive memories of childhood.